Your story

… excitement in the mail box

Rod’s story

When I was no more than five or six, my dad was often away working in the United States. Back in Mexico, we had no telephone – or electricity, for that matter – so mail was the only way we could communicate with him. I recall writing him letters (more like two-line notes) and feeling connected to him when I did. I also recall how my heart beat with excitement when I went to mailbox to see if he had written me. Oh, what joy if I had received a letter! That’s the kind of excitement we want donors to feel when they receive mail from you. Our desire as an agency is to connect them with your Mission in such a way that they look forward to hearing from you and learning about the lives they are changing through your work.

Telling your story

When we effectively share the heartfelt stories from those who are hurting and disadvantaged, our communities will rise up to meet the need.

We Review Everything

At Delia Martín Agency, we don’t just analyze the direct mail and digital campaigns; we also look at the overall health of your entire development program with a DPA (Development Performance Analysis).

Through the DPA we look at key performance indicators that include but are not limited.

This helps us identify strengths in your development efforts, as well as areas of concern that need to be addressed.


No matter what medium we use – be it personal contact, direct mail, digital appeals or social media – the standard is always the same:

Make it real, keep it simple, and let the stories speak for themselves.

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